Mission & Values

Critical Thinking Works collaborates with schools and educators to maximize the development of rigorous curriculum and instruction and to support habits of mind that equip students to flourish in civil society.

Core Values:
At Critical Thinking Works we:
  • believe that our jobs as educators is to maximize the potential of each individual
  • believe that all students, not only gifted or otherwise privileged students, can think critically and communicate with clarity and precision
  • engage in critical thinking and analysis
  • value divergent thinking and ambiguity
  • believe that learning and growth are not done in isolation
  • value reflection and thought-partnering as essential to improving instructional practice
  • value questioning, posing problems, taking responsible risks and finding humor along the way
Compact for Excellence:
If we are to do our best work and treat each other with respect and care, it is essential that we agree to:
  • tolerate ambiguity and persevere in the face of problems
  • remain flexible in our thinking and defer cognitive closure
  • listen actively and carefully
  • challenge assumptions and biases
  • and find humor in our work

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